ACC Creative Co-Labs Connect

Creative Co-Labs Connect

A system fostering cross-disciplinary creative development through collaboration.

Access the Database

Students in any ACC class can participate.

Students in ACC production/practices classes can search content with an eye towards collaboration.

For project-based Arts & Digital Media Division classes, students can search and discover content by various categories, projects ranging scripts to produce in a film or animation class, to a location-based AR experience proposal for a new media production class.

  1. Get the password from your professor.
  2. Login below.

Submit Content

Submit content such as scripts, plays, stories, music video treatments, game proposals, mixed media interactive theater projects, app proposals, or basically any story format for potential posting in the database.

Class project “Calls” for Actors, Technical Crew or other talent can also be submitted!

  1. If interested, submit a project to be included in the database.
  2. The “Co-labs Guide” will review your content. If accepted, you will be notified by email.


Find a project in the database and want to collaborate?

  1. Interested students reach out directly to potential collaborators to develop a partnership.
  2. Students discuss/share project details and nature of collaboration and mutually decide to proceed.
  3. Both parties then sign a Collaborator Agreement PDF. (Students agree to abide by principles of being a good collaborator throughout the process, to include assigning credit and sharing a copy of any final project for portfolios.)
  4. Email the Collaborator Agreement to professors of record in both the originating class and the production-oriented class, to secure their signatures.
  5. Submit your signed Collaboration Agreement PDF using this Google form. The “Co-labs Guide” will confirm receipt. Then you may begin work on the project.

Option agreements may be developed (ie. a producing class or intellectual property class) but are arrangements made fully between students, which the college has no involvement with.

If a project is beyond the scope of a class collaboration, students at any time may remove their work and pursue their collaboration outside of class.

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